Post by sturdPost by pablo2. Pedrosa whines on, it was *his* mistake standing up the bike and
ploughing into Simoncelli, who had passed him clean
I didn't see that from the US coverage. Not a good enough angle.
Sure looked like Simo chopped off the midget from what I saw.
Couldn't be sure though. Race control thought so - thus the
ride through penalty. The on-bike from Pedrosa's bike sure
looked like the midget had the line but I think that view is even
less reliable than the other camera shots.
This one will run and run. IMHO:-
- Simoncelli should have waited one more corner, and/or given Pedrosa
more room
- Pedrosa should have given up earlier. He was going to lose the place
no matter what. If not then, then 1 or 2 corners later.
- Pedrosa's braking was out of control. The back wheel was coming off
the ground. If he'd braked just a little harder, earlier and more under
control he could have made the corner in the 1.5 meters of tarmac that
Simoncelli left him. And then lost the place on the next corner as he
would then have been on the outside.
- So I think both riders were to blame, somewhat,
- But race control were right to penalise Simoncelli to encourage the
others and to force him and them to think a little before going for an
unlikely pass. It's not ballet, it is a contact sport, but it needs to
be clean and relatively safe for the global TV market. It apparently
takes a few raps on knuckles to remind them.
- There's been quite a few incidents lately that feel like they've been
born of arrogance. What Stoner so succinctly called "more ambition than
talent". Roughly, "I'm the great XXX. How dare this little shit get in
my way as I show just how great I am". I'd put Lorenzo on Simoncelli,
Lorenzo on Dovizioso in this. And I think this applies to Pedrosa's
attitude to being passed by Simoncelli. Pedrosa should know by now that
one place doesn't lose you the championship, but a crash and injury
certainly can. He didn't have to fight for that place and was going to
lose it shortly no matter what he did. He chose to fight back and paid
the price.
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