2011-03-14 15:27:48 UTC
No Spoliers
Appears that for some the Daytona 200 telecast was messed up. Here in
California with DirecTV and Speed, I received the last 15 laps on my
DVR, but never saw any recording for the first 28. The last 15 laps
were as exciting as any road race that I have seen, except that I no
longer follow the US National series since it went to DMG, so I had no
idea who most of the riders were in the lead pack. If you guys who did
not get to see it can find it on a torrent or something, it's probably
worth the effort.
I am interested to hear opinions on the event at the finish line.
Appears that for some the Daytona 200 telecast was messed up. Here in
California with DirecTV and Speed, I received the last 15 laps on my
DVR, but never saw any recording for the first 28. The last 15 laps
were as exciting as any road race that I have seen, except that I no
longer follow the US National series since it went to DMG, so I had no
idea who most of the riders were in the lead pack. If you guys who did
not get to see it can find it on a torrent or something, it's probably
worth the effort.
I am interested to hear opinions on the event at the finish line.